We all have other interests. Something that pulls us to be someone else other than our self that we know who to be. It could be waterskiing, hiking or even just scrap booking. It is a part of us that we resist because we simply believe "that is not me" or "there's no way I can do that" BOLOGNA! We can be whoever we want to be and do what we want to do. I encourage everyone to try something they've never done. Get your hands dirty and learn the better you. The one who isn't afraid of a challenge.
Goal: Bring out the art in my life!!
You mustn't think that I am some stuck up art snob...
I genuinely do appreciate the arts. Yes there is that photo of something very random that you don't really get why it would be photographed. For some reason that particular subject touched the photographer in some way. Maybe it remind them of a moment they had with their parents or a struggle they once had and they found the beauty in that moment even if it looks unattractive to someone else.
Then there's the random brush strokes of red white and black paint that looks like a 5 year old went to town on a canvas. However these brush strokes represent a feeling and expression and a lot of times it has a deeper meaning and cause. It might be an expression of the depression times back in the 1920s? Or it could have been an item their grandparents cherished. This is why I love the arts. It is so intimate and personal and you are not obligated to love it or hate it. You can interpret what a painting means to you.
I myself like to find and focus on the happiness in a lot of paintings or photographs whether it be a smiling child or a community of people working together to build a boat. Throughout my 20s whenever we have gone on any vacations or excursions through a city, I would always make a point of going to the local galleries. I feel that to really deepen your experience somewhere, I wanna know the expressions of the local artists. Have the people of Miami always had it easy by the beach or is there more to that life? What is behind the blue tile painting in Portugal and why was there no other colour??
This curiosity pushed me further and I signed up for my very own painting class. The 101, most basic class to teach me what it takes to paint a canvas from start to finish. Let me tell you there is no complicated methods of holding the brush or colours to use. Remember painting in school, where your teacher gave you the paint, the water container and paper? SAME DEAL. It does not take much! The best part is you don't have to be amazing at drawing. A few of the students including me were very hesitant because we thought we were terrible at drawing/painting and the teacher just simply said "no talent required just do your best". He was right, everyone's best looked great! The beautiful part was that we all focused on the same items but all of our paintings looked different in their own individual way. You could actually even see our personalities coming out in our canvas. Some were carefully painting inside the lines, bringing out every detail and customizing colours for effect and some painted right over the lines, squiggled here and there finished in no time! They were all beautiful in their own way.
I myself like to find and focus on the happiness in a lot of paintings or photographs whether it be a smiling child or a community of people working together to build a boat. Throughout my 20s whenever we have gone on any vacations or excursions through a city, I would always make a point of going to the local galleries. I feel that to really deepen your experience somewhere, I wanna know the expressions of the local artists. Have the people of Miami always had it easy by the beach or is there more to that life? What is behind the blue tile painting in Portugal and why was there no other colour??

This project made me learn about myself. I am definitely that perfectionist, detail oriented person that likes to take my time to create a masterpiece. This resonated with me when I remember taking hours sculpting and perfecting our cakes. Lesson: All my pending projects aren't getting done because I want them done perfectly. I need to prioritize what needs my time and attention and what I can just quickly do without much hassle. I also learned that one of my projects (my home decor) is going on 3 years now and I won't get down on myself because like my painting, it will take a long time, but in the end it will perfect for me and my lifestyle.
Some fabulous paintings are just worth waiting for. What's the canvas in your life and how do you plan on painting it? It might be that vintage car you are working on or the business environment you are creating. Be in the moment and get to feel what kind of artist you are!
Some fabulous paintings are just worth waiting for. What's the canvas in your life and how do you plan on painting it? It might be that vintage car you are working on or the business environment you are creating. Be in the moment and get to feel what kind of artist you are!