Friday 27 December 2013

The Start

We're always working on her happiness whether it's picking up a delicious Starbucks latte or singing loudly along to a favourite track at the latest hot spot clubs. I don't think we are actually focusing on being happier per se I think we just try to make the most of whatever event or situation we drift to.

I've decided to dedicate this year to being a happier me. I mean really closely looking at what makes me happy to my core, just as what does not make me happy and why. Inspired by The Happiness Project written by Gretchen Rubin.

Not to say I am UNhappy or have zero happiness. I have a great family, a most loving husband, a great career and all material possessions that would constitute a happy life. However I do believe there's more. I envy the Buddhists that go so far in meditation to achieve "enlightenment". Why can't we achieve enlightment throughout our busy lives scheduling every second of our day?

I've read that we can only change what's around us so much to feel happy but where the real juice would be is to change myself. My thoughts and feelings and outlook on this ride of a life.

So there you have it. My 2014 would be a year solely dedicated to me, myself and I. I have carefully designed 12 resolutions with distinctive measurable goals for each and recorded them on a chart. (A lot of space for some gold stars which I love!!)

Some may find it selfish. Some might say "all that dedication to yourself when it could have been contributed to those in need". Okay maybe I said that to myself. However as Gretchen has said "Think about yourself so you can forget yourself". In giving myself all the support I require, I can then in turn focus on others. How could someone help someone put their oxygen mask on if they don't give oxygen to themselves right?? On this topic, if someone was to read into my journey on the happiness train, I would hope that it would inspire them to at least look into buying a ticket. 

Golden Rule: Be Priscilla