Wednesday 2 April 2014

March's DOCE Madness – Find Your Calling

To conclude the month of March I look back on the reason why we started DOCE Bakery.
Not only was it just making cakes and yummy treats. We wanted to create a brand and a good environment for people to work in and consume. Anyone who knows me knows I LIKE fun! My best memories with my colleagues back in Amy's Bakery were the laughs, the music, the sense of community and that is something I'd like to create at DOCE. I want our name to hold happy, fun-loving people that just come into work and love what they do. Somewhere where they would have freedom of expression through the art of cakes.

Isadore Sharp, Founder and Chairman of the Four Seasons, a Canadian-based international luxury, five-star hotel management company and author states "The reason for our success is no secret. It comes down to one single principle that transcends time and geography, religion and culture. It’s the Golden Rule – the simple idea that if you treat people well, the way you would like to be treated, they will do the same.” Isadore has created one of the most successful hotel chains simply with his philosophy of management. He has emulated this environment throughout all Four Seasons hotels hand selecting each manager that embodies the qualities he was looking for. He strongly believed that treating your employees as guests/clients would have a strong positive effect to their work ethic. Making them feel happy and taken care of.

Marie Forleo is a best-selling American author, web TV host, and trainer in personal development and I am obsessed with her you-tube channel. She brings a lot of quirky and fun loving humour into her messages which makes all this informative content into actual entertainment. I've attached one of her latest videos on how to add humour your business. Enjoy!

"With great power comes great responsibility"
I want DOCE Bakery to be philanthropic. I want us to raise funds for good causes including supporting autistic programs which is one of my most passionate causes. I would like to help celebrate with those that have given their time efforts and money to support a worthy cause. I picture rolling in with a giant sparkly cake to remind them of the great work they are doing and how that must be celebrated!

Supporting our Fellow Bakers!
I think baking is one of the oldest and rarest arts. To see what someone can create with some flour, eggs and sugar always seems to astound me. I encourage others to push there limits and use their passion towards their work. I am inspired when I see someone's baked goods whether it be the professionally detailed custom cake, or little Suzy's first Banana Bread! We need to empower each other and support one another especially in the underestimated industry we are in. One of my biggest dreams for DOCE is to hold an education class for children who want to know how to bake. Let them throw around some sprinkles and frost their first cake and really discover that oomph in them that can turn into the next Buddy Valastro. Bake on my loves!

Man with a plan!
Business plans are so important. They are used as the bible of your business and what you plan to do with it. Basically it's a booklet that describes everything from your marketing strategies down to what colour uniform to wear. It is your canvas of how your business is to look and feel. I have dabbled a bit with our plan but always finding myself getting so overwhelmed over the nitty gritty details of whether I want the 6 or 8 quartz mixer. So I have decided to dive right in and write down what I do want and I will leave all the little decisions out until we are ready. Having a business plan on hand is very important to have. Think if someone came right through my door saying "Priscilla, I have a huge opportunity for DOCE, show me your plan" and I would kinda shrug saying "I've been meaning to get around to it!" 

Time is money and opportunity does not make appointments. BE READY for it all!

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