Goal: Discover my Green Thumb
In growing up it was hard to take care of much. A goldfish wouldn't stand a chance in my messy bedroom. I remember getting my first real big green plant moving into our house and boy did that get brown. I wasn't ready yet. I didn't fully appreciate the art of nurturing and caring for plants. Sure they looked great and I admired those that expanded their garden filled with fresh veggies and flowers. But I never thought that that could be me. I chose to believe that I was simply not responsible enough to care for a plant and ditched the idea ASAP. Plus, have you ever researched the subject? They mention zones, sun co-ordinates, and all types of funny confusing names. Should I call Bill Nye now?
As the weather gets brighter and melts all the little lingering piles of ice in our backyards, I can't help but feel like "YES I am so ready for spring!" Especially after this winter that seemed to be eons long. I want to see the colours that had once painted Ontario. The greens, the yellows, the pinks and the blues! It started with continuing to nurture my pointsetta from Christmas. Yes it isn't full anymore but the little green leaves growing on it excites me! Then the pretty mini tree plant I got as a gift from my aunt. Then the tulips Ricardo bought me on sale. Once he saw my mini indoor garden blooming he decided to go out and get me some beautiful blue hydrangeas (my absolute fav flower). I arranged them for better sunlight, I water them and care for them a great deal.
Once the weather rose from -15c to +15c I was ready to start my real garden outside. I decided to work on the flower bed we have in our backyard with a little tree in the middle. I wanted to plant peonies. Since peonies have been a huge trend in wedding cakes, I thought it would fit for our home. SO we cleaned out all the bad roots, added some gardening soil mixed with some top soil and planted them accordingly. I had found some of the existing green plants in there and rearranged them to fit with our peony plants.
Fights Pollution Indoors - Plants are able to remove up to 87% of air toxins in 24 hours.
Helps Fight Colds - Plants decrease coughs, sore throats, fatigue by more than 30% (eucalyptus helps clear phlegm and congestion)
Increases Happiness - Increased sense of well-being, stability and control. Increased feelings of relaxation and optimism. Reduced stress, anxiety and depression.
Reduces Carbon Dioxide - They draw it out from our air during photosynthesis.
Prevents Allergies - Exposing children early to plants can help them build tolerance and immunity.
Negates Cigarette Smoke - Plants remove airborne chemicals from cigarettes.
Improves Sleep - Gerbera Daisies give off oxygen at night.
The European Garden
We all know and love that aunt, uncle or grandma with the colourful garden. The bright red tomatoes, the crispy fresh lettuce, anything that would be included in a big delicious salad. It's been said that the average European life duration is significantly longer than other countries because of the organically grown ingredients that come from their backyard and of course their slow-paced, siesta-full way of life. Hmm maybe their on to something...
Check out my friend Kathy's Instagram @kasiacashew. Kathy is a huge expert in the greens and has fully inspired me to pursue this curiosity of mine. ;)