In order to step in the right direction for this project. I have chosen to work on my energy. Which is kind of a vital component of life if you think about it. It determines how your day goes, what you attract and how you feel.
Goal: Fuel your Body!
All this moving around is great and yes I do feel energized. However like a domino effect, a car cannot run without gas and I certainly cannot do another 20 reps of squats without feeding myself. Sure, I can take the Regular 87 Octane Gas but how far and better would I perform with the Premium 91 Octane Gas???
I could go on and on about eating better (and it is important) but my main problem was how little I was eating or forgetting to eat! Huge problem! We expect ourselves to go on 7-8 hour days with a splash of cereal or that 5:1 Ratio of Lettuce in our salad so of course I ended up completely blacking out halfway through my very first step class. I was embarrassed feeling like a Happiness failure in the Oakville Hospital but a good friend of mine convinced me to write about it. If others can learn one thing from my crazy experience, then it was all worth it. So here I am surrendering to you. Eat good and eat often!
A cute water bottle might entice you to drink more often. Usually if it’s pretty to look at, us girls will use it. Do what’s convenient for your lifestyle whether it’s a banana you can peel on the bus or granola in your drawer at the office. Chances are, you won’t be waking up at the crack of dawn to make that Florentine omelette so just be you and try to make things easier for yourself. I have a friend that enjoys Turbo Kick classes to get her cardio and another friend that tracks her food and posts them on social media indicating how many weight watcher points these yummy eats are. This is keeping her accountable and committed (Follow her @juliegetsfit27)!
Find your way to be an Eating Gold Medalist. My scare definitely made me find the Priscilla way to take my next step class with a little more confidence.
The Priscilla Way
Do it: Drink Water
Drinking water in the morning helps with your metabolism and the afternoon dehydration crash we get before we sneak a coffee in. Also, I have switched to water for drinking with meals with the exception of my glass of wine on those long days! I also found that I taste my food so much more without downing it all with the sweet stuff.
Do it: Switch to Green Tea
I still get my morning coffee! (My Relationship with Joe is far from over)
However, I have rekindled my relationship with green tea and I do tend to lean towards it when choosing my comforting beverage in the evening. In fact, I drink about 2 cups of it before I hit the hay!
Do it: Eat Breakfast
Instead of having a mini snack when I get up, I try to have at least 3 different food groups.
Being one of the only smoothie virgins, I just picked up a new Magic Bullet. I can finally hide some greens in a liquid heaven of fresh cut strawberries and yogurt to start my morning.
Do it: Start Listening to Your Body
Delicious meal? Eat on but take it slow and once your body feels satisfied, try to stop before you hurt yourself and your tummy. Doggy bags have saved my life when it comes to healthy portions!
Do it: Add Veggies to Every Meal
Remember how our parents buried our greens into our meals? I still do this to make sure I get the vitamins I need. Look up recipes on how to make your veggies yummy! Light seasoning and olive oil go a long way in the taste department!
Do it: Cook at Home!
I'm not saying quit fast food entirely, but your hard earned dollars went towards your grocery bill. Try to use what's in your fridge. I'm not sayin' I'm perfect at this, but I will try! I often try to make a game of how many meals I can make with what we have before going back to the store. Pre-planned meals are a great idea if you can make it work! Frankly I'm just not that organized...yet!
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well." - Virginia Woolf
bon appetit..
Great ideas!!